Reflections from a Woman in Leadership….

On May 23, 2024, I announced the transition of my position as Chief Executive Officer of My Sister’s Keeper Foundation for Women. Since then, many people have shared how they admired my decision to relinquish my leadership position. The truth is this was not an easy decision. It was made with much prayer, counsel and the collective wisdom of trusted voices in my life. After meeting with the Board of Directors of My Sister’s Keeper Foundation for Women, I recommended that I step aside as our Chief Executive Officer and nominated a successor to my role. The board unanimously voted to accept my recommendation and the announcement was made public at our 20th Anniversary Women of Excellence Awards & Scholarships Sneaker Ball.

As I sit, pondering all that has happened over these past 20 years, I am grateful that God allowed me to be a connection point for women through My Sister’s Keeper Foundation for Women. I say, grateful because, although it has required much of my time, energy, personal finances, and creativity, this position has increased my leadership capacity and passion for the empowerment of  women.

It has been a joy to watch women who were coached by the MSK Coaches, (many of whom I trained), flourish and achieve notable success on their jobs, businesses, entrepreneurial endeavors, ministries, civic, and community engagement. To think of the impact that has been made in the lives of women who have been empowered through our capacity building programs, philanthropic efforts, community service, and the network of sisterly love, relationships and support is simply amazing.

Yet, with all that we have accomplished as an organization, there are more women to be reached. And while, I could continue to serve as our CEO, I am clear about the shift God is doing in this season of my life, ministry and vocational calling. Furthermore, my willingness to step aside creates room for new leadership and fresh vision for My Sister’s Keeper Foundation for Women to emerge. I am proud of the work we have accomplished. However, my desire is to see the organization thrive is greater than a position or title and requires that I assume a new role in the organization’s success.

It has been an incredible journey working with such a wonderful, committed MSK leadership team – board, coaches, staff, volunteers, donors, and community partners. Each one has played a significant role, beginning with the original group of women who joined my dream, followed me, pushed me, supported me, and the mission of My Sister's Keeper Foundation for Women.

Without such a supportive team, especially my beloved husband, Dr. Johnathan E. Alvarado and my sons, Johnathan, II and Joshua, daughter, Ariel, and daughter in-love, Jasmine, who gave me space to birth this dream, the MSK transformational movement would not exist as one of the leading, influential organizations for women that it has become today.

As I thought about how I would transition the leadership of this great organization, I also thought about who the best person would be to lead MSK into the future. It was a no brainer for me, for my successor is a woman who has been serving with me in this work, since she graduated from the MSK Leadership and Life Coaching Program in 2009. She is extremely qualified and personifies the mission and vision of My Sister’s Keeper Foundation for Women. I am deeply proud of this woman and trust that she has the capacity to lead MSK into the future.  I am deeply appreciative of the Board of Directors for trusting me and my recommendation of Ms. Errin Baugh to assume the role of CEO in January of 2025.

What is next for me? I am not stepping away from MSK, I am stepping aside so MSK can continue to grow and flourish with fresh visionary leadership. I will serve as the Chair of the MSK Scholarship Committee for the next 3 years, and work to grow that fund into more scholarships for the education of women.

Errin Baugh will lead like Errin Baugh, with fresh ideas and approaches that meet the needs of women in this current culture and society. I will fall to the back of the MSK leadership formation, like the lead goose who goes to the back of the geese formation to honk and cheer for Errin in her leadership of this great organization.

Knowing when to pass the torch is critical to organizational success, longevity, and legacy. Not only for organizations, but also for the personal growth, self-care, health, and wellness of leaders. I pray my example encourages men and women, particularly women in leadership, to embrace change, create room for other leaders, and trust that God has more for us and the organizations that we lead.


Dr. Toni,

Pastor, Preacher, Speaker, Coach, Author, Podcaster, Self-Care Strategist

Ebony Steiner