Self-Care for Women Includes Our Men...

If you know me, you know that I am all things women. Yet, I realize how important it is to empower the men in our lives. The World Health Organization reports, the average U.S. female outlives the average U.S. male by five years. Boys tend to suffer more with childhood illnesses, accidents, and die earlier than their female counterparts. To highlight and bring greater awareness of men’s health, many organizations promote events to improve male health during the month of June. Likewise, the June series of the Harmonize Your Life Podcast is dedicated to men’s health. I invite you to join me, Dr. Johnathan Alvarado, Dr. Calvin Ellison, Dr. Alduan Tartt, Pastor Casey Conner, Sr. and Dr. Michael Washington as we host informative, inspirational, motivating conversation on self-care, health, and wellness for men.

Ebony Steiner