Maintaining Momentum

On July 4th I participated in an Atlanta tradition, the infamous Peachtree Road Race. I ran this race many times prior to my foot surgery and had not run it in several years. This year I put the Peachtree Road Race on my agenda when I decided to do an organized race each month as a part of my marathon training.

I began the year very focused and intentional about registering for a race every month. I ran a 5K in January and February. In March I ran a 10K. In April and May, I ran half-marathons (13.1 miles). I am proud of my performance in each race and have experienced progress in my strength and endurance.

In June I broke this pattern and did not run a race. I was busy with celebrations and vacation travel with my church, family, husband, and friends. While the celebrations and vacation travel were necessary and refreshing, I noticed that missing one month of running interrupted my momentum. I had to engage in more self-talk as I prepared to run the Peachtree Road Race in July. I was beginning to look for excuses to stay home and secretly hoped the heat index in Atlanta might preclude us from running… LOL.

Momentum is defined as strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events. Therefore, when my pattern of running races was broken, I was beginning to lose momentum. Why am I sharing this? I’m sharing this because whenever we set goals for our fitness, health, wellness, finances, career, education, or relationships, we must remain consistent to maintain momentum.

Below are a few things you and I can do to maintain our momentum:

  • Review your goal (s) to ensure you are still passionate about accomplishing the goal (s). This includes but is not limited to the motivation for accomplishing the goal (s).

  •  Revise your plans for accomplishing your goal (s). Adjust where necessary and develop a plan for interruptions in your schedule, life structure or patterns.

  •  Remain consistency. Do something each day, week or month that will keep you on track for accomplishing your goal (s).

  •  Revive your passion. Engage in an activity, event or project that will restore and renew your energy for the goal (s).

 Running the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th was the activity I needed to reboot my momentum. All my excuses were eliminated with the rainstorm that came through the day before and the cloud cover that remained provided us with perfect running weather! Just being in the atmosphere of others who had come to run this race, renewed my energy for running. As we continue in the 2nd half of this year, I am committed to maintaining my momentum and accomplish every goal I have set for many years to come.


Dr. Toni

Ebony Steiner