The Journey is as Important as The Destination…

In my February blog post, I shared concerning the significance of 2023 being a milestone year, celebrating 60 years of life, 30 years of ministry and marriage. As I write this March blog post, I’m sitting in my hotel room near Table Mountain, a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town in South Africa.

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Ebony Steiner
Living with Significance

Many people adopt a power word as they begin a new year. Often it is a word that defines their mind-set and focus for the coming year. During the final weeks of 2022, I began searching for a word that would characterize 2023.

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Ebony Steiner
New Year Reflections…

As I write this blog post, I’m sitting in my seat on a Delta Airline flight to Aruba, looking out the window at a clear sky above me and a bed of clouds beneath me. I’m buckled in my seat with my headphones plugged into the Delta stereo system, listening to the Peaceful Piano Mix, lost in my own thoughts. I’m thinking about all this year means for me. It’s a milestone year, filled with many reasons to celebrate.

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Ebony Steiner
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart!

Thanksgiving is one of most celebrated holidays among American families. The Thanksgiving Day tradition is so embedded in American culture that many travel agencies and departments of transportation report having more travelers in the air and on the roads during the Thanksgiving weekend than any other holiday in the calendar year.

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Ebony Steiner
Embracing Change

I saw a meme on social media this week that read, “There comes a point in Life, when you realize that nothing will ever be the same, and you realize that from now on, time will be divided in two parts – before this and after this.” I can relate to this truth, having experienced major life changes in the past 2 years.

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Ebony Steiner
Who’s Watering Your Garden?

I recently planted a garden as part of my grief recovery and self-care. It has been a one of the most rejuvenating practices for my mind, body, and spirit. Gardening involves a process of nurturing and cultivating the ground in my yard to grow flowers and plants.

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Ebony Steiner
New Beginnings…

“Life is a series of new beginnings.” This statement rang true for me during a recent conversation with my husband. We were discussing the current season of our marriage as empty nesters and the recent deaths of our mothers. On May 28, 2021, my mother, Margaret G. Baker, passed away. On July 17, 2022, (14 months later) his mother, Dolores M. Alvarado passed away. While our lives are busy with personal pursuits, ministry, and business ventures, being hands-on parents, and active caregivers, has given us a sense of joy and purpose.

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Ebony Steiner
Maintaining Momentum

On July 4th I participated in an Atlanta tradition, the infamous Peachtree Road Race. I ran this race many times prior to my foot surgery and had not run it in several years. This year I put the Peachtree Road Race on my agenda when I decided to do an organized race each month as a part of my marathon training.

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Ebony Steiner
To Everything There Is a Season…

The spring and fall seasons happen to be my favorite of the four seasons. As I think about the seasons changing, I am always excited about what each season will bring. During the spring season, the temperature rises above freezing, leaves and trees transform from the brush gold and orange colors of the fall season to vibrant green and lively bright colors of the spring.

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Ebony Steiner
Are You Hitting Your Personal Record?

Last year, after my mother’s cancer reoccurred, I began thinking about the finiteness of life. I started thinking about personal dreams and goals that I had yet to complete. One of those dreams is to run a full marathon. I had allowed a corrective foot surgery in 2017 to stop me from pursuing this dream. Although I continued to exercise regularly, walk and hike, I was living in a comfort zone as it pertained to running. After Mom passed on May 28, 2021, I decided to go back and pick up my dream to run a full marathon.

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Ebony Steiner
Our History Is Our Strength

March is National Women’s History Month. Often women keep silent about their history, and many suffer with feelings of unworthiness because of painful events of their past. Even when we have accomplishments for which we can be proud, some women are less likely to share for fear they will be perceived as aggressive, overbearing or even worse, being the target of another woman’s envy or jealousy.

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Ebony Steiner
How’s Your Heart?

February is American Heart Health Month, a time when we are educated and encouraged to focus on cardiovascular health. The human heart is one the most significant organs of the human body and affects the healthy function of every major system in the body.

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Ebony Steiner
Challenge Your Comfort Zone

Recently I purchased a Peloton bike for my home gym to take my fitness routine to the next level. Often while riding with Tunde Oyeneyin, she challenges me to go beyond levels where I function with ease and comfort. When she pushes the class, she shouts, “Take the Challenge!”

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Ebony Steiner
Life is too short no matter how long you live…

This year has been an unusual year in my life. It’s a year I will never forget because on May 28, 2021, my mother made her transition from life to death leaving a deep void in my heart and family. Yet, I have found comfort and meaning through my travels. It seems that traveling has given me space and opportunity to reflect on the meaning of life and to seize opportunities to be refreshed and heal as I grieve. Even as as I’m writing this blog post, I am in Asheville, NC with my husband. This is an annual vacation that we take to celebrate his birthday and to exhale from the year. This birthday getaway also provides space for us to reflect on our year as a couple, as parents, and pastors and to gain clarity concerning our vision and goals for the coming year.

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Ebony Steiner
A Lesson from My Fall Garden

In my first book, Run & Not Be Weary: The Pursuit of Purpose & Destiny, I speak of seasons and how we must prepare for season changes in our life. Consider this notion, “Within each season, our responsibility is to manage and complete our God-given purpose, regardless of its difficulty or duration. Then, in God’s appointed time, we must prepare ourselves to change along with the seasons of life” (pp. 23).

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Ebony Steiner
Help Me Celebrate Cancer Survivors!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the amount of attention and research that has gone in breast cancer awareness and scientific cures. Yet there are several forms of cancer that are not commonly mentioned. This year I want to celebrate survivors of all cancers as we celebrate men and women who are survivors of breast cancer.

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Ebony Steiner